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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Guess who's back....back again...

Holy guacamole! It's been almost a year since I have blogger last but it's been a whirlwind of a year! I purchased my very first home, met the man of my dreams, became engaged to him and on December 19th ( 1 month and one day ago) we married and lived happily ever after
Fast forward to this weekend where I eagerly made my way to the PK1 conference in Santa Clara, California with my teaching bestie.
I had such an incredible time! I met so many amazing and dedicated teachers, learned so much stuff my head is about to explode and brought back some awesome stuff   There is so much to share that I simply can't do it all in one blog post! So over the next few posts I will be sharing all the goodies and oodles of information I took away  from the conference and of course posting some freebies along the way! So stay tuned...

Mrs. Davis 

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