This is my absolute favorite time of the year, and my most favorite part of teaching kindergarten. The kids are so excited during the holidays and bringing the Elf on the Shelf always adds that extra kick we need! This year, my class named our elf "Spot". It was either Spot, or Johnny the Zombie Slayer. I may have miscounted when counting up the votes. JTZS just doesn't have that ring to it. My goal this year, was to create a whole themed unit around our classroom elf. Ever since I was little, I wanted to be a spy. So I thought it would be fun to create a unit where the kiddos are the super sleuths and their mission is to find out where Spot is hiding every day. Each day the kids write in their spy journals describing and drawing where our elf hides every day.
The kids absolutely loved it! They even asked me where their "spy gear" was. It's such a great way to add a writing component to something that really hooks the kids as it is.
My "Catch that Elf" Interactive Journal is differentiated and comes with two types of journals, a "Goodbye elf" letter, and some other themed activities including a sight word game, and ten frame match up. If you have a classroom elf, then this is the pack for you!
You can find it on my Teachers Pay Teachers
Hope you guys enjoy!!
My boy started attending Phoenix pre-k school at the age of 3 years. It was really hard to understand him on going to school without me. But after two weeks, I felt that my boy is happy with going to school. It all depends on the environment of school in which your kid is going.